Updated: 05/10/2005 For a while there were problems on the index page with browsers other than Internet Explorer. We trust this has now been fixed. There was also a problem with a bad chapter that didn't show the bottom, which made moving to the next chapter difficult. This has also been fixed.
Some If you have JavaScript, you will notice up and down arrows on the right, bottom of the screen. We first introduced these in the TV production modules, and users said that they make scrolling easier. In June, 2004 all of the pages were switched to style sheet control. For everyone using one of the more recent browsers the only apparent difference should be that the text is no longer in bold face type. The pages should also load a bit faster. We held off on this change until we thought that most users had upgraded to one of the newer browsers. The interactive testing on one site had problems. This has been fixed. New interactive tests on all the modules are now in place. The new tests have several security features, plus some safeguards against a trial and error approach to getting a good score. For example -
More on the information on the tests can be found here. Instructors can get specific information on the tests by using the e-mail link below. Numerous problems were fixed in late May--mostly disconnected links--that resulted from the transfer of more than 1,500 files to three new hosting services. If you discover a problem, please let us know. Because of traffic overloads, three of the website hosting services were changed in May to add greater capacity and speed. In the process, a few files temporarily dropped between the cybercracks and were temporarily unavailable. The four sites should now be independent, which should reduce problems caused by hyperlinks jumping from one domain to the other. The modules were completely revised in January, 2003. Punctuation and wording changes were made, new links were added, and the material was updated. There have been requests to expand the Mass Media modules to include Advertising, Public Relations, Music, and Communication Theory. This is under consideration. Comments are welcome.
Although a many people go through these modules on an individual basis, a great many users are in classrooms. To try to accommodate a greater range of needs, we've devised a color code for links.
The text materials and illustrations continue to be updated on a regular basis as new information is published in trades, newspapers, and on the Internet. The date at the top of each module indicates when the material was last updated. This whole project is considered a collaborative effort. This means that we all have a responsibility to catch errors, make suggestions, and, in general, make sure that these materials become more and more useful to all of us. Just send an e-mail message to internetcollege@yahoo.com, or, even better, click on suggestion button at the bottom of any page. Basic information on the use of these cybercourses can be found here and here. These materials are now available on two geographically separated servers: Mass Media Index |