Interactive Crossword Puzzles Over All test materials in a single index can be found here. These crossword puzzles reflect the most recent updates in the modules and associated readings. Most of the words represent key terms. The definitions are similar to what is used in the text, so if you get stuck, you can search on some of the words used. At the top of each puzzle page there is the time and date the puzzle was done, plus the total time taken to complete it. The completed puzzle can be printed out and given to an instructor to fulfill an assignment. Please see discussion on using the interactive testing, the crossword puzzles, and the world squares in a classroom situation. The word squares, which can be printed out and given to students, are still available here. These puzzles, and many of the features at this site, require JavaScript. Recent versions of the Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers have JavaScript capability. Both browsers are free. CROSSWORD INSTRUCTIONS: By clicking on the one of the numbers in the crossword grid, a clue on the right will be highlighted. Type in the term defined. Don't type spaces or hyphens between words. If the term remains when you click on the "Check" button, it is correct; if letters are erased, it means that those letters are wrong. Use the up and down arrow keys to change direction. The "Clear" button erases all entered data. When the puzzle is finished correctly the message, "Congratulations, you correctly completed the puzzle!,"should appear on the screen. Please report any problems. To Home Page © 2005, All Rights Reserved