and Legal Notices



In this cyberbook we explore Romance, Sex and Relationships. We suggest ways of making the best use of new opportunities, while, we hope, reducing the possibility of associated problems. At the same time it must be very strongly emphasized that the information given is based on individual opinions and observations. Although we suggest possibilities and options, in the final analysis you must make your own decisions based on your own unique background, needs, and goals. In some cases you should consult a doctor or specialist in a particular area of concern.

The behaviors in the case histories presented should in no way be seen as being sanctioned or condoned. They are presented only as a way of helping readers understand the varieties of human behavior, and they may be viewed by society as being both acceptable or unacceptable—or even in some cases, illegal. In some cases rather Puritanical state laws pertaining to sexual behavior that were enacted in the 1800s are still on the books, and can still be enforced.

Adult Content Notice:  Some of these chapters contain sexual case histories and basic information on human sexuality. You are hereby warned that this  is considered  ADULT material by many people. Readers who are not legally "adult" or "mature" should use the link at the top of each of these chapters  to skip over this material.

LEGAL NOTICE: This cyberbook was written to expand consciousness on the topics covered herein, and neither the writer or any of those associated with this web site shall be liable or responsible to any person or entity for any loss, damage, injury, condition, loss, or ailment caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information or the lack of information contained in this cyberbook.

Note on Photos: The models used in the photos do not represent the actual people described in the accompanying text.

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