Ecstasy Alert

A friend of mine is screwed up for life. She had been taking the ecstasy drug for some time, and at first nothing happened. She couldn't say enough good things about it. And then all of a sudden one night when she was at a party something happened and she ended up in the hospital, and now her mind is screwed up and she has problems seeing. The doctors say this could be permanent. Please pass this along.

Name and address withheld by request

Ecstasy is also known as MDMA, methylenedioxymethampetamine, X, E, XTC and the "hug drug." It comes in pill or powder form.

The use of ecstasy has reportedly increased more than 70% in the last couple of years. More than 4,500 admissions to ERs in about a dozen cities are attributed to the drug. A number of deaths have resulted, due to heart or kidney failure.

The insidious thing about the drug is that it can be used for some time—some people claim they have used it for decades— and the results are very pleasant. Then, suddenly, very bad things can happen.

Even with short-term use there can be nausea, chills, tremors and dangerously high body temperature.

The longer you use it, the greater the risk of permanent damage. Like some other drugs, people tend to get hooked on its effects. Your friend's brain damage and vision problems are not uncommon.

Although the long-term effects are not known, present research indicates that the damage that has been done may indeed be permanent.

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