These letters generally involve things that are wrong in the world. Here we're going to concentrate on the positive. We are going to list personal attributes, which if followed, may turn
you into a radical of sorts and lead into you making a positive difference Be warned, however, that by following these you will not always find yourself sticking safely with the crowd. Like trusting sheep, "the crowd" just tends to just follow along with things, not question much, not find out things for themselves, or come to their own informed decisions. What can you do anyway? Right? Sheep herders like it that way. But, then again, sheep herders have their own goals for the sheep, don't they? If you follow these guidelines what you will be is a moral radical—and in the same category with some notable people over the ages that have made a positive difference—people whose names you find in history books. Fact is, can you think of a single individual—Jesus Christ included—that have made a major difference in history that have simply followed the crowd—who didn't make waves or challenge the status quo when it needed to be challenged?
1. To move to a transpersonal perspective you must dissolve
People that consider themselves Christian might seriously ask themselves, "What would Christ do in today's world?" Avoid these issues? Try not to think about them? Go about His business as if nothing were wrong? How do you define your life...mostly just following the crowd? As the bumper sticker says, "Question Authority." Whose best interests do our authorities really have in mind? Are they truly transpersonal, or are they primarily servicing their own interests and ungenerous party or organization affiliations? Although religion should be the great healer, it often ends up being the great divider. The scourge terrorism in the name of God often results when people become alienated from their inherent intellectual and spiritual powers. The use of God to sanctify conflicts over land and sovereignty existed in early biblical times and continued with Muhammand's conquest of Arabia, Genghis Khan's invasion of Mongolia, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the French Wars of Region, and the settling of colonial America. It is said that one-billion people have been killed "in the cause of Christianity" alone. Question religious beliefs that don't allow free and open discussions, that preach blind obedience, or that resist logically explaining the dictates of tradition. Do you know how other countries view happenings in the United States? You might be surprised. Don't automatically assume that because their views differ from yours that they are wrong or that their sources of information are distorted or incorrect. They may be; they may not be. The United States does not have more freedom than other countries; in fact, it may surprise you to learn that in terms of press freedom an international group of journalists recently ranked the U.S. 32nd out of 166 counties.
3. Work for change within the system. You might be amazed at how many people are just waiting to join in and make a positive difference. Participate in non-violent protests to bring public attention to social and economic injustice wherever it exists. This may mean that you will try to see that people are put ahead of corporate profits. All this is much easier when you have the force of unfettered morality on your side. 4. Support people—especially leaders—that demonstrate transpersonal views and actions. This includes politicians who work for positive social change, a cleaner environment, good health care, better education, alternative forms of energy and energy conservation, and making trade agreements that are fair to other countries and not just designed to inflate corporate profits. This includes writing letters, sending e-mail, or even making telephone calls. It may include protesting self-serving policies that are contrary to these things. 5. Join with people and groups that share these goals. Discuss; share ideas; look at films such as the ones above, and agree on actions. It's important to keep in mind these levels of moral development, which lead to a transpersonal view. Need more ideas? This information may surprise you. In short, see that you make a positive difference!