Notes for Students

The material in these modules has been greatly condensed. This does not mean anything important has been left out; only that verbiage has been eliminated.  If the goal is a full understanding of the subject matter, the succinct information in these modules can't be given a "once over lightly" treatment.

Understanding of many of key terms in the modules can be checked with the puzzle quizzes at the end of various sections. These are seen as optional—maybe even fun—exercises.

Using the Interactive Tests

The interactive multiple-choice tests provide a comprehensive check on both the modules and the hyperlinked articles. These tests are automatically graded and the results, together with a printout of any questions answered incorrectly, are e-mailed to you and your instructor. If you don't have an instructor, you must enter a second (different) personal e-mail address here.

The interactive tests are seen as a study aid.  You can take the tests as many times as you wish—until you get 100%.

Always Something New

This cybertext is, and probably always will be, a work in progress. Nothing related to a dynamic, rapidly-changing field like TV production can afford to stand still. Having published texts in the area, I know that the moment they are published, they are in some ways already out of date.

As the text is more fully developed, you will see additional blue underlined links. These will lead to information that supplements the basic text and provides a more comprehensive look at selected topics.

The form of this cybertext has a number of advantages.

  • It's free*
  • It includes more than 500, full-color illustrations.
  • It is condensed.  Drawing from many years of professional TV experience, it focuses only on essential concepts.
  • It is updated regularly.  (A revision date is listed at the top of each module.)
  • It's interactive, which makes learning more involving and effective.  
  • It's not hampered by the content and form limitations of commercial publishing. 
  • It is available on four independent and geographically separated servers

    *Although this text is free there's one string attached.

    If these materials are used in developing a career in television production, students need to "pay" for the material by at least once producing something to aid people or conditions in the world.

    Need some ideas? Consider this.

    If a student used the cybertext and doesn't go into the field professionally, here is the "price."

    A textbook of this type would cost at least $50 (probably much more, with all the color illustrations). Assuming that personal time is worth $25 an hour, the student should devote at least two hours to doing something positive and totally selfless for some person or agency.

    That's it.  The text is paid for, and you shouldn't have a guilty conscience for using it.

    (At this point I've received many messages telling me how students have "paid" for the cybertext.  I appreciate these letters, and I assume that many have benefited as a result of these student actions.)

    Ron Whittaker, Ph.D.
    Professor of Broadcasting

Copyright Notice: Although you are free to use the materials in the worldwide web version of this cybertext, the English, Spanish and Portuguese modules and illustrations are protected by U.S. and international copyright law.

The rationale for the copyright limitations is explained here.

To print them out for distribution, to link to just illustrations, or to reproduce them in any other form is a violation of copyright.  No permission is necessary to link to any index page or complete module.

There have been attempts to modify these materials and use them in other contexts. To protect the continued availability of the materials, I would appreciate your bringing any such violations of copyright to my attention.

Introductory Audio Message