We Don't Send Out Unsolicited E-Mail
Some of you have been getting e-mail that is supposedly from one of our domains, or from someone associated with one of our domains. Most of it is just spam, but some of it contains a virus. We never send out unsolicited e-mail. If you get e-mail that is not a reply to a message you sent to us, simply delete it. In short, we're looking at stolen (spoofed) identities. Plus, we never send out attachments to e-mail. Don't open any e-mail attachment unless you are absolutely sure about the source. This is where most virus problems start. Clearly, with new viruses appearing on a regular basis, it's essential to have up-to-date virus software. Plus, you need to keep the security patches in your operating system up to date. It may be a hassle, but it can save you a lot of grief! |