It has come to my attention that instructors have complained that instructional materials at CyberCollege and the InternetCampus were no longer available because of the filtering software now required in government supported schools and libraries. In particular, these filters are blocking access to birth control information and discussions aimed at protecting young people from disease. I can understand parents and others not wanting their children exposed to some of the things on the Internetjust as many parents would prefer that their children not be exposed to the graphic blood and gore typical of many of today's action films and video games. At the same time, there is ample evidence to show that "protecting" people from needed information, especially considering the increased commercial "sexploitation" of our youth, can only result in more social problems.
[Webmaster note: This issue is discussed here, here, and here.] As one writer pointed out, "protecting young people from proven life-saving information is not morality, it's criminal neglect worthy of legal class-action." - C. Lee, Ph.D. Webmaster's note - If you find this material blocked at your school or library (while not being blocked at your home), we would suggest that you contact local administrator and inquire as to why. When one of the larger suppliers of filtering software was questioned on why CyberCollege (with at that time Young & Single) was being blocked, they checked the content of the site and said it had been a mistake. Filters are set to block sites based on certain words and phrase. As noted in the Kaiser study on this issue, many of these sites have useful and important information. Materials at CyberCollege are intended for readers who are mature enough to deal with the issues presented, as well as the realities they will face in the mass media and television professions. The guiding philosophy for content at these sites has from the beginning been the Freedom With Responsibility Code. Additional information on these materials can be found here and in this Forum letter. Legal Notice © 1996 - 2005, All Rights Reserved ![]()