![]() Updated: 08/13/2005 A complete review and update of all of the modules was completed in July, 2004. Some updates involved minor word and punctuation changes; others were more significant. The latter included the reorganization of some materials, changes in graphics, the deletion of material that was seen as nonessential, and the addition of material to bring modules up-to-date. A new menu system was put in (at the bottom of each module) in August. Various internal code changes were also made at this time. In order for all of the various features in these modules to work Javascript must be enabled. This can be a problem right now with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Many people have found—at least until the new IE is released—that the free Firefox browser is more secure and does not automatically block Javascript. We realize, however, that changing browsers can be a problem in many schools and computer labs. During the revision process some errors were found in the test, word square and crossword puzzle links at the bottom of a few modules. These have (hopefully) all been fixed. All of the modules should now show an update (top right corner of the modules) of July or August, 2005. In some cases you may need to reload a page to get the older version out of a computer cache.
An additional independent site (CyberCollege.ORG) was added in March. The need for this is explained here. There was an error in some e-mail links, which may explain why you didn't get an answer to your e-mail. For e-mail please use ron@whittaker.net.
Some Among the changes recently made was the addition of scroll arrows at the bottom-right of the screen, which (by mousing over them) allow for controlled scrolling up and down the page. These are based on Java, which must be enabled for them to be visible and to work. (They should be visible on this page.)
Many instructors and students liked the word square key term puzzles that we used to have. They could be printed out and handed to students to complete. They were dropped when they became out of date. The word squares are available again and basic information is available here. For security reasons the confidential test information for teachers regularly shifts locations. You can get the new link by writing the author listing your school and teaching position. There are now additional versions of tests available. .
Among the specialized sections that have recently been added are:
We've been asked about recommended video assignments. These are available here.
Although a great many people go through these modules on an individual basis—government employees, TV crew members, military personnel, etc.—a great many users are in classrooms. To try to accommodate a greater range of needs, we've devised a color code for links.
In summary:
Basic information on the use of these cybercourses can be found here and here. These materials are now available from these independent geographically separated servers: *This whole project is considered a collaborative effort, and it has come a long way since the first rough draft was posted almost ten years ago. We wish to thank the many people who have written us offering suggestions and calling attention to writing errors. All of us who use these materials have a responsibility to catch errors, make suggestions, and, in general, make sure that these materials become more and more useful to all of us. Just send us an E-mail message. The text materials and illustrations continue to be updated on a regular basis as new information is published in trades, newspapers, and on the Internet. The date at the top-right of each module indicates when the material was last updated. In order to continue to provide these materials we have agreed to certain legal restrictions. Please see this copyright notice.
In May, 2004, Dr. Lee's materials on relationships were moved to another site. This was primarily in response to some instructors and administrators who felt it was inappropriate to provide young people with information on birth control and the control of sexual disease. Lately, we've had problems with hackers spoofing our e-mail addresses so that people will open e-mail thinking it's from us. This is discussed here. These materials are free and we aren't in the business of selling anything.
of Materials Limited to Direct Internet Access - See Copyright Notice
© 2005, All Rights Reserved