Module 70
Updated: 07/12/2005
A Final
With Module 70, we come to the end of this TV Production cybertextbook.
These modules have covered the essential "tools of the trade." As critical as these tools are, keep in mind that television productions that win awards and provide audiences with ideas, information, and lasting impressions, involve much more than a knowledge of the basic tools. This
beyond the basics discussion sheds light on this.
This cybertextbook is a work in progress. Nothing related to a dynamic and rapidly changing field such as TV production can afford to stand still.
If you check back in a few weeks or months, you will note that new ideas and techniques have been added to the modules. Therefore, reviewing the material from time to time will not only keep the material fresh in your mind, but it will enable you to keep you up to date on new developments.
If you find a problem with the content, a broken link, or if spelling or grammatical errors have slipped through, I would appreciate your bringing it to my attention.
Finally, you may recall that this free cyberbook has one string attached.
Interactive Test Word Square
If you use this material in developing your talent to produce effective television programming, you need to "pay" for the material by at least once producing something to aid people or conditions in the world.
If you need some ideas
consider this.
If you don't go into the field professionally, here is your "price." A textbook of this type would cost at least $60 (probably much more, with all the color illustrations). Consider your time worth $20 an hour and devote at least three hours in doing something positive and totally selfless for some person or agency.
That's it.
If you do either of these, you've paid for the material and your conscience will be clear.
Here's wishing you great success in your chosen field.
Ron Whittaker, Ph.D.
Professor of Broadcasting
Copyright notice:
We regularly get requests related to the use of this material. First, no permission is necessary to use the modules and their associated readings directly from or the at type of public or nonprofit school or classroom.
The English, Spanish, and Portuguese modules and illustrations are protected by U.S. and international copyright law. To print them out for distribution, link only to one or more images, to download them into a server, or reproduce these materials in any other form is a violation of copyright.
Please see this link for additional copyright information. This forum letter also has important information.
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