Updated: 07/19/2005 Notes for Instructors
Please see Revision Notes for important new information. The Quick Start file summarizes essential information. We are all in this together. This means that you should feel to—and even feel some responsibility to—recommend needed changes. We'll all benefit from your input. (And we definitely appreciate the many suggestions we've gotten.) For suggestions and corrections send e-mail to ron@whittaker.net (NOTE: To get through heavy-duty spam filtering be sure to use the link at the bottom of the pages or use a MAIL FROM THE INTERNET COLLEGE subject line.) The material in these modules has been greatly condensed. This does not mean anything important has been left out, only that verbiage has been eliminated. If the goal is a full understanding of the subject matter (and success in the interactive tests!), the succinct information in these modules can't be given a "once over lightly" treatment. The sample syllabus for a TV production course should also be of value. This information may be helpful in setting up video evaluation procedures. Various assignments are associated with these materials, including this scriptwriting assignment, and this thought-provoking writing assignment.
Some Among the changes recently made was the addition of scroll arrows at the bottom-right of the screen, which (by mousing over them) allow for controlled scrolling up and down the page. These are based on Java, which must be enabled for them to be visible and to work. (They should be visible on this page.)
Many instructors and students liked the word square key term puzzles that we used to have. They could be printed out and handed to students to complete. They were dropped from the sites when they became out of date. They have now being totally revised and are again available again through the links at the bottom of the appropriate modules.
New Classroom Tests New matching tests have been written that cover all of the modules. Another type of test for classroom use is also being prepared. Information on all tests is available from the author: ron@whittaker.net We rely on some pretty heavy spam filtering, so please use the e-mail link provided or the follwong subject line: MAIL FROM CYBERCOLLEGE.
Yellow , Blue, Red, and Green Readings To try to accommodate a greater range of needs, we've devised a color code for links.
Links that are not marked with a colored square are considered self-explanatory. As an instructor it will be up to you to assign whichever linked readings you deem appropriate beyond those associated with the green squares (which are covered on the interactive tests). Recently, sections have been added on:
The film, radio, TV, Internet, book, and newspaper sections in the mass media course can provide added depth to these materials. As with the TV production materials, the mass media materials are free for nonprofit use. Important copyright information is discussed here and here.
These cybertexts are, and probably always will be, a work in progress. Nothing related to a dynamic, rapidly changing field like mass communications can afford to stand still. Having published texts in the area, I know that the moment they are published, they are in some ways already out of date. The form of this cybertext has a number of advantages.
* Although this text is free , there's one string attached . If these materials are used in developing a career in television production, students need to "pay" for the material by at least once producing something to aid people or conditions in the world. Need some ideas? Consider this. If a student uses the cybertext and doesn't go into the field professionally, here is the "price." A textbook of this type would cost at least $50 (probably much more, if it had 800 or so color illustrations). Assuming that personal time is worth $25 an hour, the student should devote at least two hours to doing something positive and totally selfless for some person or agency. That's it. The text is paid for, and there should be no guilty conscience for using it. At this point I've received many messages telling me how students have "paid" for the cybertext. I appreciate these letters...and I assume that many have benefited as a result of these student actions. Ron Whittaker, Ph.D. . Copyright Notice: Although you are free to use the materials directly from the Internet, the English, Spanish and Portuguese modules and illustrations are protected by U.S. and international copyright law and may not be reproduced in any other form. The rationale for the copyright limitations is explained here and here. To print them out for distribution, or to reproduce them in any other form (except for a single personal copy) is a violation of copyright. There have been attempts to modify these materials and use them in other contexts. To protect the continued availability of the materials, I would appreciate your bringing any such violations of copyright to my attention. To Home Page © 2005, All Rights Reserved