Notes for StudentsThe material in these modules has been greatly condensed. This does not mean anything important has been left out, only that verbiage has been eliminated. If the goal is a full understanding of the subject matter, the succinct information in these modules can't be given a "once over lightly" treatment.
New Color-Coding SchemeAlthough a great many people go through these modules on an individual basis—government employees, TV crew members, etc.—a great many users are in classrooms. To try to accommodate a greater range of needs, we've devised a color code for links.
A little yellow square (
) in front of link above indicates background reading. This material is not included on the interactive tests, although it may help in understanding the concepts covered.
A blue square in front of a link (
) indicates technical information. This type of information is designed for advanced classes and professionals; and, again, this may or may be required by an instructor. These areas will also be expanded in the future to meet the needs of advanced students.
A red square is reserved for (
) external links that have related information. This information is not included on the interactive tests, but an instructor has the option of asking that you read this information. CyberCollege and the InternetCampus have no control over the content or availability of these external links.
And, finally, there are the required reading links marked with a green square (
). These are covered in the interactive tests and puzzles.
Links that are not marked with a colored square are considered self-explanatory.
In summary:
= A basic understanding of TV production concepts.
= A more advanced understanding and background.
Advanced students; professionals.
= External resources for additional information.
Using the Interactive TestsThe interactive multiple-choice tests provide a comprehensive check on both the modules and the hyperlinked articles. Please read this information on these tests.
Understanding of many of key terms in the modules can be checked with the interactive crossword puzzles and the quick quizzes at the end of various sections.
After the National Association of Broadcasters Convention in April, 2003, a number of updates were made to reflect changes in equipment and procedures.
Because of traffic overloads, three of the website hosting services were changed in May to add greater capacity and speed. In the process, a few files temporarily dropped between the cybercracks and were temporarily unavailable.
Code changes are underway in all of the modules to streamline navigation. This will include a new index page navigation system. We are working on a major update to the main testing system that may again allow test results to be e-mailed to students and instructors.
New specialized sections have been added on -
Digital audio considerations Determining IE/ISO/ASA sensitivity of video cameras Setting up color monitors Using shadows in composition Studio sets Audio and video signal compression RAM audio recording DVD/RAM video cameras Filters to compensate for digital video artifacts and to simulate film look Setting up digital cameras The zone exposure system Special studio lights The video signal "overshoot" problem An Interactive Color Exercise Broadcast Server Editing Approaches TV and Film Makeup HDTV-to-SDTV and SDTV-to-HDTV Conversion Interviewing Techniques You will find links to these additions in the modules and in the Associated Readings Index.
We've been asked about recommended video assignments. These are available here.
The text materials and illustrations continue to be updated on a regular basis as new information is published in trades, newspapers, and on the Internet. The date at the top of each module indicates when the material was last updated.
This whole project is considered a collaborative effort. If you find any problems or errors, pleas let us know by clicking the animated link below.
This means that we all have a responsibility to catch errors, make suggestions, and, in general, make sure that these materials become more and more useful to all of us. Just click on the animated suggestion button below.
Basic information on the use of these cybercourses can be found here and here.
These materials are available at:
Always Something NewThis cybertext is, and probably always will be, a work in progress. Nothing related to a dynamic, rapidly-changing field like TV production can afford to stand still. Having published texts in the area, I know that the moment they are published, they are in some ways already out of date.
The form of this cybertext has a number of advantages.
- It's free*It includes more than 800, full-color illustrations.
- It is condensed. Drawing from many years of professional TV experience,
- it focuses only on essential concepts.
- It is updated regularly. (A revision date is listed at the top of each module.)
- It's interactive, which makes learning more involving and effective.
- It's not hampered by the content and form limitations of commercial publishing.
*Although this text is free there's one string attached.
If these materials are used in developing a career in television production, you need to "pay" for the material by at least once producing something to aid people or conditions in the world.
Need some ideas? Consider this.
If you use the cybertext and you don't go into the field professionally, here is the "price."
A textbook of this type would cost at least $50 (probably much more, with all the color illustrations). Assuming that personal time is worth $25 an hour, you should devote at least two hours to doing something positive and totally selfless for some person or agency.
That's it. The text is paid for, and you should have no guilty conscience.
(At this point I've received many messages telling me how students have "paid" for the cybertext. I appreciate these letters...and I assume that many have benefited as a result of these student actions.)
Ron Whittaker, Ph.D.
Professor of BroadcastingCopyright Notice: Although you are free to use the materials directly from the Internet, the English, Spanish and Portuguese modules and illustrations are protected by U.S. and international copyright law and may not be reproduced in any other form.
The rationale for the copyright limitations is explained here and here.
To print them out for distribution, or to reproduce them in any other form is a violation of copyright.
There have been attempts to modify these materials and use them in other contexts. To protect the continued availability of the materials, I would appreciate your bringing any such violations of copyright to my attention by clicking on the animated link below.
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