Updated: 04/02/2005
Frequently Asked QuestionsQ What computer and monitor specifications are needed to use the cybertext modules?
A In order to see the intended layout of the pages a monitor setting of 800X600 or greater should be used at 256 colors or more. Anything less than these minimums will prove less than satisfactory. A True Color setting of 1024X768 or 1280X1024 is highly recommended. Web-TV offers mixed results. In late 2001, adjustments were made to the site to accommodate the 1600X1200 screen resolution.
For the interactive tests and the matching quizzes you need a browser that "does" Javascript. Firefox 1.0+, Internet Explorer 5.0+, Netscape 4.0+, Opera 7.5+, and Mozilla 1.0+ browsers will work for these tests. At this point the pages look best in the free Firefox browser.
If you are accessing through America On Line and you note a lack of clarity in the illustrations, you need to make sure that the illustrations aren't being compressed. This will greatly degrade the quality of illustrations and make the text in illustrations unreadable. This issue may be fixed by now, but, if not, this link may help.
There are more than 800 illustrations associated with the 70 modules and the associated readings. Because of the number of illustrations in some modules, occasionally —- especially if you are using a standard dial-up modem—you will find that an illustration will not load and will only display a "can't be found" icon. The missing illustration(s) can be loaded by clicking on the page reload button at the top of the browser.
Q Can I print out the text for classroom use?
Q Can I download the material onto our school server?
A Legal agreements limit the use of the materials to a direct Internet connection from CyberCollege.com or InternetCampus.com. However, these are the most often asked questions and, from a legal and contractual standpoint, very important. Simply put, to do either will violate copyright law and the contractual agreements we've made, and jeopardize the continued availability of these materials. For these reasons, I would appreciate your bringing any instance of copyright violation to my attention. I have created a separate link to explain things.
Q I wonder about "free" services. Who is behind CyberCollege® and the InternetCampus®?
A I understand a certain amount of suspicion about "free" Internet services, but in this case there is no commercial "hidden agenda" behind the television production or mass media materials. If the instructional materials contain any type of "spin" it is to value freedom in newsgathering and to encourage social responsibility. However, other writers at these sites are free to offer their opinions on topics.
As a service to our users, CyberCollege and the InternetCampus carry links to external services. We have no commercial ties to any company and we derive no income from any of these external services. At the same time, we have no control over the content or policies of external services and we can in no way assume any responsibility for the content.
Q If I start using these materials in my classes, and with all the "dot-coms" going under, how can I be sure that the materials will continue to be available?
A Since the CyberCollege and the InternetCampus sites do not depend upon advertising, they are not subject to the economic issues related to advertising revenue. The financing of these sites is largely based on trust funds that are insulated from economic fluctuations. These funds in no way dictate or influence content.
Q Is there any kind of college credit or completion certificate for successfully completing the TV Production course?
A It wouldn't be hard to mail out a certificate. The only problem is, how do you know the person really successfully completed the work? If official credit is needed, we'll leave that to schools or institutions that use the materials.
Q How do you know that the people who use the TV Production cybertext will actually "pay" for it in the way indicated [in Module 70]?
A We don't. But, even if they don't, possibly by going through the modules and associated readings students will brush with the need to use the medium in a responsible way.
Q Why do you have the statement that the materials can only be used directly from the Internet and only directly from CyberCollege or the InternetCampus?
A Even though we give the materials away for free, there are those, unfortunately, who have tried to steal them, alter then, and use them for their own purposes. We are also bound by signed legal agreements limiting their use to direct Internet access. To violate these agreements would mean to jeopardize the continued availability of the materials.
Q Why don't you expand on the topic of.....[many suggestions here].
A Needs are different, and striking a balance between too simple and too detailed is always a problem.
We've found that users range all the way from public and private high schools and universities to government institutions, such as the U.S. military. Individuals using the materials range from employees of TV stations to people simply wanting to create high-quality personal videos.
In an effort to tailor the materials to a wide range of users, a color coding system is used for links to try to serve the following needs:
= A basic understanding of the concepts.
= A slightly more advanced understanding and background.
= Advanced students and professionals.
= An in-depth understanding and background.
Links that are not marked with a colored square are considered self-explanatory. More information on this can be found on this at the end of Module 1.
Q Why do you have hyperlinks to things not directly related to TV Production?
A We feel that just having a knowledge of "how it works" leaves a major gap in some rather important areas. To be effective, television producers and directors must be sensitive to social and political realities—and maybe even sensitive to some social and political responsibilities.
Q I see a lot of animation, movie clips, Javascript and Active X effects on web pages. Wouldn't things be more interesting if you had more of this?
A Yes, it would, but there is a major problem right now. If you have a T1 line or a high-speed connection, things load rather quickly; but many users have 33 or 56 speed modems, and waiting several minutes for a page to load tires anyone's patience. Until the average user of the Internet is equipped with faster download speeds—which is a few years away—it seems best to limit this type of thing.
There is also the browser problem. What runs on Internet Explorer 5 will not necessarily run on IE4, and what runs on IE5 will not necessarily run on Netscape. Many schools do not keep up with the latest browser revisions, even though the leading ones are free.
Q The Mass Media modules have a lot of graphs and statistics, but you don't have any references. Where does this information come from?
A At the beginning of that project it was decided not to clutter things up with a lot of footnotes or in-line references. Most of the data is from standard sources associated with the specific topic. Where the information might be controversial a source is generally cited.
Q Why don't you make the answers to the tests, crossword puzzles, etc. available on the site?
A Many instructors use the interactive tests and even the crossword puzzles as graded assignments. Instructors can write Dr. Whittaker for further information on the tests.
Q I sent you e-mail but didn't get a response. Why?
A Most e-mail is answered within a few days. (Occasionally, we make out-of-town trips, which may delay things). However, attachments to e-mail are not opened due to the high incidence of viruses. Given the many virus-laden e-mail attachments (.doc, .exe, .jpg files, etc.) being intentionally circulated across the Internet, this policy is common today. We also don't recommend a catchy title to your e-mail that can be confused with spam.
We definitely encourage your comments.We use some pretty heavy spam software, so please use a subject line such as MAIL FROM CYBERCOLLEGE (which should be automatic with the link below).
Some additional information on these materials can be found here and here.
Ron Whittaker
The InternetCampus® and CyberCollege® are registered trademarks.
Closing Credits
Numerous people graciously put considerable work into this Internet project, creating new materials specifically for this on-line application.
In particular, we would like to thank Marc Levine, Karen Ann McNall, Nikita Manggay, and the P.M. Smith Foundation.
Because of legal agreements with individuals and companies, the materials on these sites carry copyright clearance that limits their use to direct, on-line Internet use from the CyberCollege and InternetCampus servers. This link has additional information.
If you are interested in some of the more technical aspects behind the production of these materials you can click here.
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